Working as a diesel mechanic is demanding although rewarding. Because of the level of work being done but also the critical nature in taking care of diesel engines for trucks, buses, ships, and trains, it is imperative that the individual have excellent education and training beyond what is mandated.
For the person interested in becoming a diesel mechanic, one of the first and most important decisions would be finding the best diesel mechanic schools for consideration. Even someone who had worked as a diesel mechanic in the past might find additional education and training is needed because of new laws being enacted whereby this type of engine must be more efficient and clean as a means of reducing environmental pollution.
Therefore, locating the best diesel mechanic schools would be important for someone just getting started or the person needing to learn more current laws and methods of repairing and maintaining engines of this type.
Specialized Education and Training
Top rated diesel mechanic schools provide specialized education and training specific to the diagnosis, repair, and maintenance of diesel engines. While some studies would cover vehicles of all types, there would be unique education and training based on the type of diesel engine being worked on. There could be slight differences regarding the amount of time required to complete education and training but on average, this takes between six months and two years.
Keep in mind, there is no comparison when it comes to the amount of power produced by diesel engines to standard engines. These engines also burn gasoline more efficiently and they are extremely durable. Although most diesel mechanics work on larger vehicles such as those mentioned, there have been a few lighter vehicles introduced in recent years to include cars and trucks that also use diesel engines.
In addition to trucks, buses, trains, and ships, diesel mechanics work on various types of heavy equipment to include cranes, road graders, blade equipment, bulldozers, farm equipment, and so on. Because of the sheer number of diesel vehicles in service and a variety of vehicle types that need specialized repair and maintenance, gaining proper education and training through any one of the best diesel mechanic schools would be essential to success.
Schools with Top Ratings
Although there are many additional diesel mechanic schools, those listed below are good representations of what people interested in a career such as this should consider.
Lincoln Technical Institute – Education and training provided by this school covers an array of subjects to include repair and maintenance on construction equipment, trains, buses, and even mining equipment. In addition to classroom study, Lincoln offers hands-on training with everything being under supervision of a highly qualified and seasoned diesel mechanic.
National Auto Diesel College – Also referred to as NADC, this too is one of the best diesel mechanic schools in the United States. Programs offered include both diploma and associate degree level education and training based on the type of work and vehicles interested in.
Miscellaneous Schools – Some of the other diesel mechanic schools considered to be the best include Lincoln College of Technology, Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology, Westwood College, Wyotech Automotive School, Universal Technical Institute, and YTI Career Institute, although many others exist
Standard Studies
For the most part, all of the better diesel mechanic schools have coursework and hands-on training specific to diagnostics, repair, maintenance, and tuning of vehicles with diesel engines. Remember, skills required for a successful diesel mechanic career are much different and more advanced than a general mechanic. Although having knowledge of vehicle repair and maintenance would be beneficial, skillset is simply not the same as the niche market for diesel mechanic work.
Job Security and Great Salary
With the necessary education and training completed through one of the top diesel mechanic schools, an individual should have no problem in securing a job. Qualified diesel mechanics are in high demand and experts predict demand will continue to rise in the coming years. However, most people start off working as an assistant or lower level mechanic but with hard work, dedication, and a desire to learn, advancement opportunities are in abundance.
In addition, with the necessary diploma, certification, or licensing to work as a diesel mechanic, earning potential is good. Then, when a person in this field begins to advance by taking on more responsibility and expanding skill to work on more complex vehicles, salary would increase substantially.